Usability Plan
from Michele Anciaux Aoki 5/31/2004  - revised

Usability Test with _________________________________   Date ___________________

Jump to scenario:  HOME | THE ISSUES | LEARN MORE |

Home page

Script: We're going to begin the usability test by just opening the site and looking at how it's organized. I'll ask you to do a few simple tasks. Feel free to "guess" at what to do or how to do it. There are no right answers. Also, if you can, verbalize what you're thinking while you're doing it. I'll be taking notes so I can go back and see where the confusing things are in the site. This will help us make it much easier to use.

Open the site:  What's the first thing you're inclined to do when you view this page?



(Capture general impressions.)
What would you expect to find in the section called FEATURE?



(Do they notice links to the ISSUES topics? Do they read the text first?)
What would you expect to find in the section called COMMUNICATION TOOLS?



(Do they connect them with any other links on the page?)
What would you expect to find in the section called NEWS?



(Do they realize that the press clippings link will take them to the NEWS page?)
What would you expect to find in the More... of the INTERNATIONAL STUDIES SCHOOLS section?



(What do they suggest?)
What do you think the NATIONAL INITIATIVES are about?



(Do they go to the National Coalition link? Do they see the four links below as related?)
What do you think the STATE INITIATIVES are about?


back to top

(Do they go to the State Initiatives link? Do they see the four links below as related?)
What would you expect to find in Advocacy Tools? Who would these be for?



(Do they go to the page? Is it what they expected?)
What would you expect to find in Digest? Who would these be for?



(Do they go to the page? Is it what they expected?)
What would you expect to find in Classroom Resources? Who would these be for?



(Do they go to the page? Is it what they expected?)
What would you expect to find in Success Stories? Who would these be for?



(Do they go to the page? Is it what they expected?)
Look at the navigation menu at the footer. What do you think is the relationship between those links and the other content (links) on the home page?



(Do they see a relationship?)
What would you expect to see if you click on Who We Are?



(Do they know who "owns" this site? Who do they expect to find out about here?)
What would you expect to see if you click on Contact Us?



(Do they click on the link? Do they expect an email form? Is it disorienting to be on the same page as Who We Are?)
Go back to the top of the page now. Looking at the top navigation bar, what would you expect to find if you click on THE ISSUES?



(Do they predict finding the (Spotlight) What is International Ed topics?)
Looking at the top navigation bar, what would you expect to find if you click on LEARN MORE?



(Do they go to the page? Do they think these are resources? (Or how are they different from resources?)
Looking at the top navigation bar, what would you expect to find if you click on GET INVOLVED?


back to top

(Do they go to the page? Do they see these as different from Advocacy Tools?)


Script: Let's now take a closer look at some of the specific pages on the site. We'll begin by clicking on THE ISSUES link in the top navigation bar.

Is it clear to you why this page is called THE ISSUES?



(Do they read the intro paragraph, esp.  Learn more about the following school reform issues... )
Go to the What is page. What would you expect to find out here?



(Do they think this is about the website or International Ed?)
From the What is page, how would you find out why international education is important?



(Do they scroll to the bottom to find the link? Or go back to home page?)
Let's go to the Why does international education matter page. What other ISSUES pages do you think there are?



(Do they scroll to the bottom to find the link (not there)? Or do they go back to the home page)? Or do they see the links in GO TO on this page?)
Next we're going to go to the Who is involved? page. What would you expect to find there?



(Do they suggest a description of ?? (National Coalition, Asia Society, etc.) or a list of members or ??)
Look at the links at the bottom (of Who is involved?). Where would you expect to go if you click Asia Society, National Coalition, or States?




(Do they suggest going to an external site (i.e. for Asia Society) or a page describing each of those entities? Do they make connection with National Coalition and States Initiatives links on the home page?)
Now let's go to the What are the goals? page. What would you expect to find there?



(How do they get there? Back to Why... or home page? to find the link? or site-links in bottom nav?)
Finally, let's go to the How Can I Help? page. But first, what would you expect to find there? What's the difference between this page and GET INVOLVED?



(How do they get there? Back to Why... or home page? to find the link? or bottom nav?)


Script: Let's now take a closer look at some of the specific pages when you click on the LEARN MORE link in the top navigation bar.

Is it clear to you why this page is called LEARN MORE?



(Can they tell what content to expect on this page?)