Youth Forum - A Resource of the Asia Society

Youth Forum Admin Help -- Notes from Michele Anciaux Aoki 1/20/2004

Admin Orientation 

Customized Project Manager

In the Customized Project Manager, you can create (customize) and manage Youth Forum projects. Once a customized project has been created, it appears in the list of projects in the Customized Project Manager and in the "Available Projects" area of the Youth Forum members' site, where teachers will be able to apply to it.

Creating a new customized project:

  1. Click the MAKE NEW CUSTOMIZED PROJECT link at the top of the list.
    The New Customized Project form displays.
  2. On the form, choose the type of Project Template you want to use (Forum, Newsletter, or Virtual Gallery) and indicate whether the project will be Independent or Collaborative.
  3. Click CONTINUE (or CANCEL to stop).
    The Project Information page displays.
  4. On the Project Information page, type in the Project Name, Project Description, and Starting Masthead/Theme of this Newsletter in both English and Japanese.
    Note: If you don't have either the English or Japanese translation at this time, simply copy and paste the text from the other language so that it can be translated at a later time.
  5. Click CREATE (or CANCEL to exit without creating the project).

Editing an existing customized project:

  1. Locate the name of the project that you want to edit in the list of projects (under Independent Projects or Collaborative Projects).
  2. Click the EDIT button next to the name of the project in the list.
    The Project Information page displays.
  3. On the Project Information page, edit any fields that need changing (in English or Japanese).
  4. Click SAVE CHANGES (or CLOSE to exit without saving the changes).

Deleting an existing customized project:

  1. Locate the name of the project that you want to edit in the list of projects (under Independent Projects or Collaborative Projects).
  2. Click the EDIT button next to the name of the project in the list.
    The Project Information page displays.
  4. When the confirmation message displays, click OK to delete the project (or Cancel to exit without deleting it).



Project Broker

The Project Broker lists all of the existing collaborative projects (this is the same list that appears in the members' "Available Projects" area) with an indication of the number of American and Japanese applicants to that project. If there is at least one American and one Japanese applicant, a MAKE A MATCH button appears next to the name of the project. Note: When members apply to collaborative projects, they must be matched with a collaborator before they can work on the project. Matches consist of one American and one Japanese Applicant. (Is this really true? It seems limiting?)

Making a match:

  1. Click the MAKE A MATCH button next to a project in the list.
    The Matchmaking page displays, listing all of the American and Japanese Applicants to this project.  (It would be nice if this page had a page title for identification purposes.)
  2. Select one American Applicant and one Japanese Applicant from each list.
  3. Click MAKE MATCH at the bottom of the screen. (Or, to return to the list of projects without making a match, click CANCEL.)
    The Match Completed confirmation page displays.
    Once a pair is matched, a "project instance" will be created for the matched applicants, and they will be able to begin working on the project.
  4. If there are more applicants, select MAKE ANOTHER MATCH FOR THIS PROJECT or CHOOSE ANOTHER PROJECT.

Deleting a match:


Project Instance Manager

In the Project Instance manager, you can keep track of all the project instances that Youth Forum members are working on, and all project instances that members have finished. You can also modify or finish project instances, reactivate finished project instances, and add project instances to the Project Showcase.

Note: When members apply for an independent project or are matched to a collaborative project, a "copy" of that project is made in the member's account. This "copy" is called a "Project Instance". When members work on a project, they are working on a project instance. Project Instances are differentiated from each other by unique ID numbers.

Searching for Project Instances:

  1. In the search form, enter or select the search criteria (Project Name, Status, Assignee, Type).
  2. Click the SEARCH button.
    A list of matching project instances displays below the search form, showing the Name and ID number of the project instance, its Status (Active or Finished), Type (Independent or Collaborative), the Assignees (member(s) assigned to work on it), and whether it's in the Project Showcase (if it's a Finished project).
  3. To sort the list, click on any of the column headers to sort the list in that order.

Editing a Project Instance:

  1. Locate the Project Instance in the list.
  2. Click on the Project Name.
    The Project Instance Detail page displays.  (page is not named, not sure what to call it for identification)
  3. To edit the content of the Project Instance, finish it, or reactivate a finished Project Instance, click on the Go to Project button at the top of the page. (Do administrators normally do this??)
    The Project page opens, where you can edit content or go to the Project Report for further modifications.

Deleting a Project Instance:

  1. Locate the Project Instance in the list.
  2. Click on the Project Name.
    The Project Instance Detail page displays.  (page is not named, not sure what to call it for identification)
  3. To permanently remove the project instance from all locations, including members' accounts and the Project Showcase, click DELETE PROJECT INSTANCE.
    When the confirmation message displays, click OK to delete the Project Instance (or Cancel to exit without deleting it).

Adding (or Deleting) a Project Instance to the Project Showcase:

Note: Only Finished Project Instances can be added to the Project Showcase.

  1. Locate the Project Instance in the list.
  2. Click on the Project Name.
    The Project Instance Detail page displays.  (page is not named, not sure what to call it for identification)
  3. If desired, type in a description in English and Japanese for the Project Instance to be displayed in the Project Showcase. (This may be different than the original Project Description.)


Translation Manager

In the Translation Manager, you may translate all text that users have added to project instances from English to Japanese or from Japanese to English. You may also review translations and change the translation status of individual items if you feel something needs to be redone. You may view projects that are currently in progress or projects that have been finished. If a finished project is to be added to the Project Showcase, all text in it should be translated into both Japanese and English.

Note: When members apply for an independent project or are matched to a collaborative project, a "copy" of that project is made in the member's account. This "copy" is called a "Project Instance". When members work on a project, they are working on a project instance. Project Instances are differentiated from each other by unique ID numbers.

Searching for Project Instances:

  1. In the search form, enter or select the search criteria (Project Name or Status).
  2. Click the SEARCH button.
    A list of matching project instances displays below the search form, showing the Name and ID number of the project instance, Project Type (Independent or Collaborative), and Number of Items to be Translated.
  3. To sort the list, click on any of the column headers to sort the list in that order.

Finding Translatable Items in a Project Instance

Note: You may see that some projects are labeled Independent and some are labeled Collaborative. When you translate, Collaborative projects should take priority.

  1. To open the individual translatable items in a project instance, click on the Project Name of the appropriate project instance.
    The Translation List page opens, displaying a list of the individual items within that project instance that need translation.  (what to call this page?)
  2. To filter this list to show only items of a certain status, select the criteria (Translated, Needs translation to English, and/or Needs translation to Japanese) in the Show box and click SHOW.
    The list displays, showing the Item ID number, Type, and Translation Status.
  3. To select an item for viewing or translation or to change its status, click on the Item ID number.
    The Project Item page displays. (what to call this page?)

Translating and Changing the Status of a Translation

When you open a translatable item, you will see a screen with the current text of the item on one side and fields for translations on the opposite side.

  1. To change the status of an item, select the appropriate radio button: Translated, Needs Translation to English, or Needs Translation to Japanese.
    Note: If the status of an item is marked as needing translation to English, you will only be able to enter text for English translations; if the status is marked as needing translation to Japanese, you will only be able to enter text for Japanese translations.
  2. If you want to view the item in the actual project instance to which it belongs, click VIEW IN CONTEXT at the top of the page. (This will open the project instance, showing the item as it appears to anyone viewing or working on this project.)
  3. Enter the appropriate translated text (English or Japanese).
  4. If you feel that the text is complete and correct in both English and Japanese, set the status to Translated.
  5. To save any changes, click SAVE. (Or, CANCEL to exit without saving changes.)
    The translations will be automatically added to the project when you save your changes.


Project Showcase Manager

In the Project Showcase Manager, you can define the order in which you want projects to appear in the Project Showcase table of contents. You can also delete projects from the showcase. The projects listed here are finished project instances which are currently in the Project Showcase, shown in the order in which they appear in the Project Showcase table of contents.

Changing the Order of Projects:

Tips for Reordering Projects
The project with the lowest number will appear at the top of the Project Showcase table of contents, and the rest of the projects will appear below it in the order in which they are numbered, lowest to highest. (For example, a project numbered "1" would appear at the top of the table of contents, number "2" would appear below number "1", and number "3" would appear below number "2".) You should try not to assign the same numbers to different projects. If you do, any projects that share the same number will simply be grouped together.

Deleting Projects from the Project Showcase:

Adding Objects to the Project Showcase: