Youth Forum - A Resource of the Asia Society

Youth Forum Admin Pages
Notes from Michele Anciaux Aoki 2/20/2004

My notes are in blue. This design assumes a brief textual explanation on each major page that links to specific help topics related to that function.

Admin Home Page

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Welcome to the Youth Forum Administrative Home Page

Youth Forum Administrators manage all of the Users (Members) of the Youth Forum and the Youth Forum Projects from set-up to completion. On each of the Admin pages, you'll find specific Help instructions to guide you through the tasks you can perform from that page. Here's a quick overview of the Admin pages:

[maybe include a box for news items or announcements?]


User Manager

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In the User Manager, you can view and edit the account information for all users who have submitted a registration form to the Youth Forum. Here you may register new users, change users' account information, and disqualify or delete users if necessary.

To find users in the system: enter any criteria you wish to search for in the search form on this page (if you leave the search form blank, all users will be shown); then choose whether you wish to show the search results in English or Japanese (although the information may exist in either language, the search results can only be displayed in one language). Click on the Search button to submit the search.



Customized Project Manager

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In the Customized Project Manager, you can create (customize) and manage Youth Forum projects. Once a customized project has been created, it appears in the list of projects in the Customized Project Manager and in the "Available Projects" area of the Youth Forum members' site, where teachers will be able to apply to it.



Project Broker

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The Project Broker lists all of the existing collaborative projects (this is the same list that appears in the members' "Available Projects" area) with an indication of the number of American and Japanese applicants to that project. If there is at least one American and one Japanese applicant, a MAKE A MATCH button appears next to the name of the project.

Note: When members apply to collaborative projects, they must be matched with a collaborator before they can work on the project. Matches consist of one American and one Japanese Applicant. (Is this really true? It seems limiting?)



Project Instance Manager

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In the Project Instance Manager, you can keep track of all the project instances that Youth Forum members are working on, and all project instances that members have finished. You can also modify or finish project instances, reactivate finished project instances, and add project instances to (or delete them from) the Project Showcase.

Definition of Project Instance: When members apply for an independent project or are matched to a collaborative project, a "copy" of that project is made in the member's account. This "copy" is called a "Project Instance". When members work on a project, they are working on a project instance. Project Instances are differentiated from each other by unique ID numbers.



Translation Manager

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In the Translation Manager, you may translate all text that users have added to project instances from English to Japanese or from Japanese to English. You may also review translations and change the translation status of individual items if you feel something needs to be redone. You may view projects that are currently in progress or projects that have been finished.

Note: If a finished project is to be added to the Project Showcase, all text in it should be translated into both Japanese and English.



Project Showcase Manager

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In the Project Showcase Manager, you can define the order in which you want projects to appear in the Project Showcase table of contents. You can also delete projects from the Showcase. The projects listed here are finished project instances which are currently in the Project Showcase, shown in the order in which they appear in the Project Showcase table of contents.
