Youth Forum - A Resource of the Asia Society

Youth Forum Member Help -- Notes from Michele Anciaux Aoki 1/23/2004

Member Area Orientation 

Getting Started

Registering on the Youth Forum

Before you can enter the Members Area of the Youth Forum, you need to complete the registration form.

  1. On the Youth Forum home page, click REGISTER.
    The Registration form displays.
  2. Complete Registration Step 1: enter your name and school contact information,
    then click CONTINUE (or CANCEL to exit without registering).
  3. Complete Registration Step 2: enter your e-mail address and make up a suitable password,
    then click SUBMIT (or CANCEL to exit without registering).
    The Registration Complete page displays.
  4. Wait until you receive email notification that your registration has been approved. At that point, you can log in to the Youth Forum Members Area using your email address and password.

Contacting Youth Forum if you have problems

  1. On the Youth Forum home page, click CONTACT US.
    A blank email message addressed to displays.
  2. Type your message and send it.
    The webmaster will try to respond within a day.    (Is this a fair statement??)

Logging in (if you're already registered)

  1. On the Youth Forum home page, type in your E-mail Address and Password.
  2. Click LOG IN.
    The Youth Forum Members Area home page displays.

Logging in (if you can't remember your password)

  1. On the Youth Forum home page, click FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?
  2. On the next page, type in the e-mail address that you used to register with the Youth Forum,
    then click SUBMIT.
    The LOG IN form displays.
  3. Check your e-mail to get the password.
  4. Go back and complete the LOG IN form and click LOG IN.
    The Youth Forum Members Area home page displays.

My Account

The Youth Forum Members Area opens to a page featuring My Account information, showing customized information about your account. From this page, you can accomplish all of the major tasks on the Youth Forum.

Getting Started on a New Project

When you first log in to the Members Area, the Projects: In Progress and Projects: Finished lists display [none]. To find a project to work on, you can choose a project from a Lesson Plan in the TEACHERS' MODULES section or AVAILABLE PROJECTS list.  (include links to specific instructions?)

Choosing a Project through a TEACHERS' MODULE
(I'm not really sure how this works; need more concrete examples to explain this section.)

  1. From the list of links in the left column of the Youth Forum Members Area home page, click TEACHERS' MODULES.
    The TEACHERS' MODULES page displays.
  2. Review the lesson plans listed on the TEACHERS' MODULES page and decide which Project you want to apply to. (Or do you apply to the whole lesson plan??)
    Things to consider:
    - Do you want an Independent or Collaborative Project?   (could link to glossary definitions)
    - What type of Project do you want: Forum, Newsletter, or Virtual Gallery?  (could link to glossary definitions)
    Based on the Project descriptions, which content area matches what your classroom is working on?
  3. On the specific Lesson Plan page, click the Project Name for the Project you want to apply to.
    The Start Project form opens, displaying your account information.  (not sure what this called)
  4. On the form, enter class information: Grade, Size of Class, and Class Subject (optional).
  5. Click APPLY TO PROJECT (or CANCEL if you decide not to apply).
    The Start Project confirmation screen displays indicating that the Project is now listed on the Projects: In Progress in your My Account screen.

Choosing a Project from AVAILABLE PROJECTS

The AVAILABLE PROJECTS page lists all projects that are currently open for application.

  1. From the list of links in the left column of the Youth Forum Members Area home page, click AVAILABLE PROJECTS.
    The AVAILABLE PROJECTS page displays.
  2. Review the projects listed on the AVAILABLE PROJECTS page and decide which Project you want to apply to.
    Things to consider:
    - Do you want an Independent or Collaborative Project?   (could link to glossary definitions)
    - What type of Project do you want: Forum, Newsletter, or Virtual Gallery?  (could link to glossary definitions)
    Based on the Project descriptions, which content area matches what your classroom is working on?
  3. Click the Project Name for the Project you want to apply to.
    The Start Project form opens, displaying your account information.  (not sure what this called)
  4. On the form, enter class information: Grade, Size of Class, and Class Subject (optional).
  5. Click APPLY TO PROJECT (or CANCEL if you decide not to apply).
    The Start Project confirmation screen displays. If you chose an Independent Project, it is now listed on the Projects: In Progress in your My Account page. If you chose a Collaborative Project, it will appear in the list as soon as the administrator matches you to another school that has selected that Project.

Working on Your Project

Once you've applied to an Independent Project, it appears in the Projects: In Progress list in your My Account page. Collaborative Projects are listed as soon as the administrator matches you to another school that has selected that Project.

  1. From the Projects: In Progress list, click the Project Name of the Project you'd like to work on.
    The Project Report page opens, displaying an overview of your project and any memos that have been posted.
  2. From the Project Report page, you can ADD A MEMO if you like. (See Adding Memos.) LINK
  3. To add content to your project, click OPEN THIS PROJECT.
    Your project opens, ready for you to add content, depending on the type of project you selected. See specific instructions for Updating Forum Content, Updating Newsletter Content, Updating Virtual Gallery Content. (LINKS)

Finishing Your Project

When you're completely done entering or editing content in your project, you can mark it as finished. This means that it may be eligible for display in the Projects Showcase.

  1. From the Projects: In Progress list, click the Project Name of the Project you'd like to finish.
    The Project Report page opens, displaying an overview of your project and any memos that have been posted.
  2. To finish your project, click END THIS PROJECT.
    The End Project Confirmation page displays.
  3. Click END PROJECT (or CANCEL if you want to continue working on it).
    The Finished Project Confirmation page displays, indicating your project is now view-only in the Projects: Finished area of the My Account page.



Updating Forum Content

Forum Projects support sharing messages about a specific topic (which is stated in the left column). When you open your project, you see a link to SEND NEW MESSAGE and tabs for viewing posted messages: VIEW BY DATE and VIEW BY SUBJECT.

Sending a New Message

    The NEW MESSAGE form displays.
  2. Type in your message, specifying FROM (your name), SUBJECT, and your MESSAGE.
  3. Click SUBMIT MESSAGE (or CANCEL to exit without saving).
    Your completed message displays. (And it is now listed under the DATE and SUBJECT tabs.)
  4. Note: If you need to edit the message, click EDIT THIS MESSAGE, make any changes necessary on the EDIT MESSAGE form, then click SAVE CHANGES (or CANCEL to exit without saving).
    Your completed message displays.
  5. To go back to the main project page, click BACK TO INDEX.

Editing a Message

  1. From the VIEW BY DATE or VIEW BY SUBJECT tabs, select a message and click on the DATE link.
    The Message page displays.
    The EDIT MESSAGE form displays.
  3. Make any changes necessary.
  4. Click SAVE CHANGES (or CANCEL to exit without saving).
    Your completed message displays.
  5. To go back to the main project page, click BACK TO INDEX.

Deleting a Message

  1. From the VIEW BY DATE or VIEW BY SUBJECT tabs, select a message and click on the DATE link.
    The Message page displays.
    The EDIT MESSAGE form displays.
  3. Click DELETE MESSAGE (or CANCEL to exit without deleting).
  4. When the Confirmation message displays, click OK to delete (or CANCEL to exit without deleting).
    The main project page displays indicating that the message was deleted.

Replying to a Message

  1. From the VIEW BY DATE or VIEW BY SUBJECT tabs, select a message and click on the DATE link.
    The Message page displays.
    The REPLY TO MESSAGE form displays.
  3. Type in your message, specifying FROM (your name), and your MESSAGE.
    (The SUBJECT is pre-filled, but you can edit it if you want.)
  4. Click SUBMIT REPLY (or CANCEL to exit without saving your reply).
    Your message is now listed under the Date and Subject tabs.
  5. To go back to the main project page, click BACK TO INDEX.