Customized Project Manager Help

Help Topics:

Creating a new customized project

  1. Click the MAKE NEW CUSTOMIZED PROJECT link at the top of the list.
    The New Customized Project form displays.
  2. On the form, choose the type of Project Template you want to use (Forum, Newsletter, or Virtual Gallery) and indicate whether the project will be Independent or Collaborative.
  3. Click CONTINUE (or CANCEL to stop).
    The Project Information page displays.
  4. On the Project Information page, type in the
    - Project Name
    - Project Description
    - Starting Masthead/Theme of this Newsletter
    in both English and Japanese.
    Note: If you don't have either the English or Japanese translation at this time, simply copy and paste the text from the other language so that it can be translated at a later time.
  5. Click CREATE (or CANCEL to exit without creating the project).

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Editing an existing customized project

  1. Locate the name of the project that you want to edit in the list of projects (under Independent Projects or Collaborative Projects).
  2. Click the EDIT button next to the name of the project in the list.
    The Project Information page displays.
  3. On the Project Information page, edit any fields that need changing (in English or Japanese).
  4. Click SAVE CHANGES (or CLOSE to exit without saving the changes).

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Deleting an existing customized project

  1. Locate the name of the project that you want to edit in the list of projects (under Independent Projects or Collaborative Projects).
  2. Click the EDIT button next to the name of the project in the list.
    The Project Information page displays.
  4. When the confirmation message displays, click OK to delete the project (or Cancel to exit without deleting it).

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  • What happens if you delete a customized project that has project instances already created?
    Oh.... I tried that. It deleted the project but my project instance remained. The project was no longer listed in the Available Projects.  That's interesting...

