Project Instance Manager Help

Help Topics:

Searching for Project Instances

  1. In the search form, enter or select the search criteria (Project Name, Status, Assignee, Type).
  2. Click the SEARCH button.
    A list of matching project instances displays below the search form, showing the Name and ID number of the project instance, its Status (Active or Finished), Type (Independent or Collaborative), the Assignees (member(s) assigned to work on it), and whether it's in the Project Showcase (if it's a Finished project).
  3. To sort the list, click on any of the column headers to sort the list in that order.

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Editing a Project Instance

  1. Locate the Project Instance in the list.
  2. Click on the Project Name.
    The Project Instance Detail page displays.  (page is not named, not sure what to call it for identification)
  3. To edit the content of the Project Instance, finish it, or reactivate a finished Project Instance, click on the Go to Project button at the top of the page. (Do administrators normally do this??)
    The Project page opens, where you can edit content or go to the Project Report for further modifications.

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Deleting a Project Instance

  1. Locate the Project Instance in the list.
  2. Click on the Project Name.
    The Project Instance Detail page displays.  (page is not named, not sure what to call it for identification)
  3. To permanently remove the project instance from all locations, including members' accounts and the Project Showcase, click DELETE PROJECT INSTANCE.
    When the confirmation message displays, click OK to delete the Project Instance (or Cancel to exit without deleting it).

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Adding to (or Deleting from) the Project Showcase

Note: Only Finished Project Instances can be added to the Project Showcase.

  1. Locate the Project Instance in the list.
  2. Click on the Project Name.
    The Project Instance Detail page displays.  (page is not named, not sure what to call it for identification)
  3. If desired, type in a description in English and Japanese for the Project Instance to be displayed in the Project Showcase. (This may be different than the original Project Description.)

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