User Manager Help

Help Topics:

Adding a User

To add a new user to the Youth Forum:

  1. Click on the ADD NEW USER button.
    This will open a new, blank user profile page.
  2. Select the new user's status (Pending, Approved, or Banned)
  3. Fill in the remaining fields on this page with the relevant contact information.
  4. To add the new user, click on the SAVE NEW USER button.

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Finding User(s)

To find users in the system:

  1. In the search form, enter any criteria you wish to search for.
    If you leave the search form blank, all users will be shown.
  2. Choose whether you wish to show the search results in English or Japanese.
    Although the information may exist in either language, the search results can only be displayed in one language.
  3. To submit the search, click on the SEARCH button.
    The Search List page displays with a list of matches or "O matches found" message.

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Selecting a User Profile

To select a user from the Search List to view or edit:

  1. View the Search List, which has columns showing the email address, name, school, approval status, and nationality of each user. You may sort the list by any of these columns.
  2. To open an individual user's profile, click on the User Profile button (next to the user's email address.)
    The User Profile page displays, containing all information related to an individual user.

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Modifying a User Profile

To modify a selected User Profile:

  1. Select a User Profile from the Search List (see Selecting a User Profile above).
  2. If appropriate, change the user's STATUS.
    Note: When users first submit a registration form, their status is Pending. This means they do not yet have an active Youth Forum account and can't log in to the member site.
  • To activate a user, switch the status to Approved.
    An active member account will be automatically created for that user. Approved users can log in to the member site and apply to projects.
  • If you need to temporarily prevent a user from accessing the member site without deleting the user's account, switch the status to Banned.
  • To reactivate a banned user, switch the status back to Approved.
  • To delete a user from the system entirely, click on the DELETE USER button at the bottom of the User Profile.
  1. If appropriate, edit any of the fields on the User Profile to change a user's information.

  • Name and Address: The name and address of a user may be entered in both English and Japanese so that it can be displayed, where appropriate, on both English and Japanese views of the site, or in English and Japanese searches.

  • Administrator Notes: Type comments here about a user's account. The administrator notes can only be seen by other administrators, and are never seen by users.

  1. To save any changes you made to the User Profile, click on the APPLY CHANGES button
    Or, if you wish to exit the User Profile without saving changes, click on the CANCEL button.

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