Coe Elementary World Languages Program

Spanish - 2nd-4th Grade Student Survey  December, 2005 

Student Name

  1. When my teacher speaks to me in Spanish, I can understand:
    Always   Most of the Time   Sometimes   Almost Never
  2. When I talk to the teacher in the Spanish class, I speak Spanish
    Always  Most of the Time   Sometimes    Almost Never
  3. When I speak to the other students in Spanish class, I speak Spanish
    Always   Most of the time   Sometimes    Almost never
  4. When I read something in Spanish by myself, I can understand what it says
    Always   Most of the time   Sometimes    Almost never

  5. When I read something in Spanish with the help of the teacher or another student or the dictionary, I can understand what it says
    Always   Most of the time   Sometimes    Almost never
  6. Please tell us what you liked best about doing the iEARN project "Getting to Know You" with the students in Mexico?

  1. What would you suggest for next time this project is done?

  2. Any other comments?


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Thanks for your help!

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