8:30 am |
Opening and Goals for the Day
My Goals
(continue from yesterday) |
9:00 am |
Guest Presenters: Michael
Bacon and Atsuko Ando Please welcome our guest
presenters today, Michael Bacon
from Portland Public Schools and Atsuko Ando from Richmond
Elementary in Portland. For the next four hours, they will be
sharing their extensive experience in language immersion.
Curriculum Frameworks
Middle School Immersion |
?? am |
BREAK In just a moment,
we’ll be taking a 10-minute break. When you hear the music, it
will be time to return to the class.
At end of break:
CD: Upbeat music )
Team Leaders in front, clapping |
12:30 pm |
LUNCH Please pause now
for a moment. You’ll have an hour for lunch. We’ll meet back
here at 1:30. When you hear the music, it’s time to find
return to the room. Be sure to sit next to someone new this
time. Bon appetit!
At end of lunch:
CD: Upbeat music |
1:30 pm |
Check-in Welcome back
from lunch! Did you have a good time?
Let’s take a moment to review what we’ve learned so far.
- Take comments around the room
Facilitator Tips:
Space yourselves around the room to provide focus and
energy. |
1:35 pm |
Immersion Video & Group Work
2:00 pm |
Closure Let’s go back
and review My Goals. Fill in the Results section.
- Give them 5 minutes to fill in Results
Would anyone like to share something meaningful that you
learned, realized, or decided today? PAUSE
Come front and center and share.
- Allow about 10 minutes for sharing
Let's take what we learned today and put it in our hand
and clap it closed. CLAP HAND
Review My Goals |
2:20 pm |
What's Next? Now let's
take a moment to think about plans for tomorrow -- our final
day together.